January 13, 2013

An Exciting Opportunity For You!

Hello most excellent reader and welcome to the Digital Print Press online internet website. I have a story for you that I am sure you will be supremely interested in. It is a real treat for you and you must act now so as to ensure not missing out.

Have you ever been one of those to receive deceitful emails? I personally have seen many in my time and they are all bothersome. The only ones I enjoy are the ones where you can get up to 80% discount from genuine Canadian pharmaceuticals which you can buy now by clicking here

But back to my story, which you will enjoy to read rapidly. I care not for these deceitful emails and am very sure to delete suspicious communiqué's avidly. However, as you know yourself it is not always easy to be avid and sometimes the trickery appears genuine. I am not for certain how the deceivers obtain it but they always seem to know if my friend is overseas or is not. The last occasion my friend was being overseas I received an email from her and it sounded like this:

Hello Joel,
I have lost all my money to robbing gypsies and need you to send money to me as quickly as can. DO NOT send it to my normal bank account as it has been closed by the gypsies but instead please wire the money ASAP to the following account detail.

The concern for my friend was painfully genuine. She went on to inform myself that if she had no funds she would not be able to come home in time for her sister’s graduation. I actioned to do something for her, and readied currency to be deposited to her nominated account details. In order that the money would be taken rapidly; I double checked the email to ensure I had copied the details correctly. Dear friend, it was lucky I decided to do this because this was when I noticed that something appeared fishy. The fishiness was thus; in my friend’s email she had provisioned to address myself as ‘Joel’ when in actual fact my name is not ‘Joel’ but rather ‘Dominic’. Such a clever trickery had eluded my advanced email filtering system and rendered it incapable. I quickly voided any upcoming transactions to her and deleted the fallacious message, knowing for certain now that it was a fraudulent.

I know what you must be imagining. How lucky you were Dominic that you did not send money to the email deceivers who were pretending to be your overseas friend. I am thankful for your kind concerns and assure you that I am okay, at least in my own self. But what truly upsets me is that some others who are using the internet are not always as avid as I am. What if there had been a small child who had received a deceitful correspondence from their overseas companion and had not the fortune to realise it was unreal? The thought keeps me awake all at night.

This dear friend is now why I am writing to you in such a heartfelt manner. I have destined for myself to set up a new business venture, one which will educate of all manners the dangers of deception that are omnipresent in the online internet community. It is in this practice that I hope to make the internet a more joyous place for everybody to commit, and that they will not have to be concerned and worried when consulting email messages. However, handsome friend, I am sure you are also fully consciously aware that business ventures are things which are not cheap and must be grown by funding. I myself am already to be putting all of my saves toward this new exciting venture but sadly I have known it is not enough.

So now I must ask with humbleness for your help, sincere companion. Any money that you can impart toward my much needed anti-fraudulence initiative will be greatly received and the sender themself will be much adulated. I am not without a business acumen and this is why I realise that for you to action yourself to helping me there must be something that will return to you. I am now pleased to offer to you a very special thing which I am only telling my closest helpers. If you give me the money today I will personally see that you will gain interest from my new company share stock when it becomes readily available. I know it seems like a make-believe fantasy but by investing in my exciting start up you yourself will begin to make money. It is also true that the more money you initially divulge will equal a larger amount of money back to you when the appropriate time arrives. You must only click here to begin the process of aiding me in my opposition to internet fraudulence.

I will stop writing now as I am understanding of your busy lifetime schedule. My thanks are very genuine and I am keenly anticipating the day when your money will help to make a difference to the online internet’s largest difficulty.

Peace and happiness to you,

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