May 27, 2013

The Lost Art of Sending an Email

Hi there,

Want to know what I find beautiful? Well formatted emails.

You know what I mean. There's nothing worse than opening an email and seeing a huge slab of text, forcing you to do some heavy lifting to find out exactly what the sender is trying to say. 

Conversely, the best emails start with a nice little greeting, then a bit of an introductory sentence, followed by a couple of meatier lines or paragraphs. Yet the way these emails are written, you don't have to work hard to find meaning. Your eye is guided through nicely. 

They even look good from a distance, possessing a nice symmetry as they go from short to long to short again. I'd hope that if people saw my emails from afar they'd be able to tell that I was a good emailer without reading the actual words.

There might be a little one line joke or something to finish off the email and reward the recipient for reading.

All that's left is the sign off,

and it's done.

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