August 20, 2013

Me Fans Are Stupid Pigs

Of course you aren’t. I would never really say anything like that about my reader(s). But the fact I can offend you in the post title shows how solid our relationship is. We joke, we have fun, we’re striving for a better future. It’s as if we’re characters in a New Radicals song.

What I’m trying to say is that August marks three years of this blog. That equals 40 posts of me trying to put into words how I feel about the internet and digital culture in general. How was it for you? I thought it was okay, and am rather surprised I’m still at it. Granted, during the three years there have not necessarily been three years’ worth of posts (2012 is devoid except for an excited mid-winter three post flurry) but there’s hopefully been something that you enjoyed, or at least read past the first sentence before spending six hours on Buzzfeed instead.

So, three years, and what do I have to show for it? Well, according to the ever-reliable Blogger stats, during that time the blog has had 4,147 pageviews. I was going to look up the Alexa ranking for this but apparently they don’t have enough data to rank the site, which is fairly telling in itself. Also keep in mind that the reality is probably bleaker than that: for some reason there are page hits from May 2007 (i.e. three years before I started the blog) and there would be many times when, despite me checking the ‘don’t record your own pageviews’ box, I have definitely inadvertently inflated my own numbers (logging in from other computers etc.) Don’t feel bad for me though, this is the life I chose.

It was a little cringeworthy reading through the old stuff. Partly because most of my writing back then makes me sound like a pretentious wanker, but mostly because it reminds me that in three years I’ll be looking back on this post and concluding that I’m a pretentious wanker. In any case, the archives are open. Go for a browse if you need more proof.

Before I let you go, let me just have an attempt at explaining the name. ‘The Digital Printing Press’ is meant to refer to the internet itself, rather than my blog. I don’t see my blog as the defining disseminator of information in the digital age (4,147 pageviews), but obviously the internet is going to have incredibly long-term social, cultural and even political implications. That’s what I’m trying to get at. I’m not much of a fan of the name anymore, but since I can’t think of anything else to change it to, for now it stays. I at least hope you enjoy the new banner photo. Maybe one day I’ll go all Kentucky Fried Chicken and change it to ‘DPP’ and hide my shameful beginnings under the soothing power of the acronym.

Fun Facts

Most popular post: Macquarie and Me – I would never have thought a shoddily composed ‘scientific’ dictionary test would be so engaging.

Least popular post: Let’s just say it only had five views. Try and guess. That’s a fun game for you.

Most popular tags: ‘internet’, ‘social’, ‘Facebook’

General highlights

-I used the word ‘conformance’ exactly once, with devastating effect.
-I implied the headquarters of ‘Powerband’ were in a dilapidated Quonset hut.
-I wrote a love letter to my Blackberry and have since dropped it in the toilet (it still works)
-I pretended I was William Randolph Hearst and didn’t get sued by him or Orson Welles
-I didn’t make a single typo.

Three more years! Three more years!

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