September 29, 2013

God himself could not sink this phone

So my Nexus 4 arrived and it’s beautiful. The screen is amazingly clear, and Android 4.3 is superfast. In terms of performance, updating from my Blackberry to this is like going from a shopping trolley to a fighter jet.

Speaking of Blackberry, take a look at this graph from the Wall Street Journal:

Sourced from

So while all the Cal Hockleys of the smartphone world were paying people lots of money to take them to safety on an iPhone, I clung to my Blackberry and listened to the band as we slowly went down. Thankfully I was resourceful enough to find a boiler door (i.e. my Nexus) and everything worked out okay (except for that person who I was clinging to it with, who may or may not have been my true love and is now decomposing at the bottom of the ocean ... ).

Is it weird that I find Blackberry’s demise sad? I guess I had a vested interest in the company because I had my Curve for so long. I still think it was a good phone too, but age (and my parent’s toilet) got the better of it. Now Blackberry are kind of like that best friend you used to hang around with in Grade Four but haven’t spoken to for a while, and for me it’s as if I’ve just found out they have a terminal disease. What do I do? Wish them luck I suppose, and hope they don’t me ask for money.

So now I’m doing that thing where I’m finding any excuse to use my phone. Someone casually asks what time it is in London? LMGTFY. I’ve also sent a fair few messages that have low or zero relevance except that they’ve been an excuse for me to play around with the (very fun) Android swipe typing feature. If you know me, you probably suspect that you’ve gotten one of these messages in the last couple of days, but then again it’s probably hard to distinguish them from all the other unneccessary shit I send.

I admit the novelty of the new phone is slowly wearing off. Which is a good thing, because I’m still not quite sure how I feel about being so attached to it. But since I can actually talk to my phone and have it understand me I’m leaning towards classifying it as a sentient being and therefore a friend rather than an object. I’d be tempted to go so far as to claim it as a co-dependant relationship but it’s quite clear I need my Nexus much more than it needs me.

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